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Train Tickets KA: Sawunggalih

KA Sawunggalih departures from Jakarta

KA Sawunggalih departures from Kutoarjo

Yvo explains

Looking for cheap Indonesian train tickets with the Sawunggalih train? With Utiket you can search for all trains, find the lowest Sawunggalih ticket price and most convenient travel times. Best of all, here on Utiket you can directly compare Sawunggalih tickets from all stations in a city.
We do not add any commission or fees to a booking you make, making it the best place to find the best trains.

Information about KA Sawunggalih

Kereta Api Sawunggalih travels between Jakarta (PSE) and Kutoarjo (KTA). This train is also known as Sawunggalih Malam, Sawunggalih Pagi.

Sawunggalih is a passenger train serving Pasar Senen (Jakarta)-Kutoarjo for about 450 km and takes about 7 hours. Sawunggalih train has been operating long enough since 1977, but it provided economy class only at that time. Then business class was added in 1984 to Sawunggalih train and named as Sawunggalih Utama. The train was originally departed from Jakarta Kota station (Gambir), but because of the new regulations in 2001, then all business trains which previously departed from from Gambir were transferred to Pasar Senen. With this change, Sawunggalih Utama Pagi changed its name becoming Kutojaya Bisnis, but for Sawunggalih Utama Malam did not change the name.

In 2004, there was an additional one executive class carriage to Sawunggalih Utama Malam which previously served only business class. But in 2009 the executive class carriage on Sawunggalih Utama Malam from Kutoarjo was deactivated, so the remaining executive class now only exists on Sawunggalih Utama Malam from Jakarta. There are several stations this train passes through, such as Kebumen Station, Karanganyar Station, Gombong Station, Purwokerto Station, Cirebon Prujakan Station, Bekasi Station and Jatinegara Station.

Ratings for train Sawunggalih

8.1 / 10

Out a score of ten. Based on 16 ratings






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