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Traveling By Bus

Traveling By Bus

19 Jul 2013 10:27:00

Bus is one of the preferred modes of transportation by the traveler to travel. In addition to the cost relatively much cheaper, of course when traveling by bus there’s a variety of sights offered. Sure, it takes a little longer to get to your destination when traveling by bus, but it could be fun by knowing that some things like the following:

Find info

Find as much info about the bus you are going to use. You can find info on routes served, ticket price, departure time, where you buy a ticket, offices or agents in which, where to get on and off. By knowing the ranges of information will make you feel calm and comfortable in your journey. Do not forget to take note of the telephone number of the bus agent in case if you need it anytime.

Select the bus

After getting the info that fits on a bus that will be used, you can go to the agent to buy a bus ticket. At the time of buying a ticket, of course you will be presented with the option of a bus. There is a traveler who likes to use air-conditioned buses, there are also who like of non-AC buses. You can specify choose according to taste. Also choose a seat that might be making you comfortable. A seat by the window is a favorite for most travelers because in addition to get morespace to lie on, and you can get a great view during the trip.

Make sure you familiarize yourself

Being on the bus of course you will meet many new people. Instead of having to remain silent during the ride, you'll want to break the ice with familiarizing yourself with other passengers or the bus crew, especially the person sitting next to you. You can swap stories with them. That way you can get a variety of stories and new experiences. Then you won’t feel it as a long journey.

Always alert

This one is a mandatory thing to always apply wherever you are because crime can happen anytime and anywhere. Do not be too easy in trusting people during the trip because of many modes that can be done by the perpetrators of crimes ranging from offering food or drinks and distract you. Increase your vigilance for traveling by bus so that you will remain safe and comfortable.

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